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Yannis-Adam Allouache

PhD Candidate
Department of Geography, National University of Singapore
Participates in 3 items

Sessions in which Yannis-Adam Allouache participates

Monday 8 May, 2023

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

UQAM - Pavillon Sherbrooke - SH-3540

Hulya Arik, University of Toronto (Master of ceremonies)

Galina Scolnic, University of Windsor (Master of ceremonies)

Wajiha Mehdi, University of British Columbia (Speaker)

Anahid Shirkhodaee, Wilfrid Laurier Univeristy (Speaker)

Seif Malhas, University of Waterloo (Speaker)

Yannis-Adam Allouache, Department of Geography, National University of Singapore (Speaker)

Session organizers:Dr. Galina Scolnic, University of Windsor, Ontario

UQAM - Pavillon Sherbrooke - SH-3540

Galina Scolnic, University of Windsor (Master of ceremonies)

Hulya Arik, University of Toronto (Master of ceremonies)

Seif Malhas, University of Waterloo (Speaker)

Yannis-Adam Allouache, Department of Geography, National University of Singapore (Speaker)

Wajiha Mehdi, University of British Columbia (Speaker)

Anahid Shirkhodaee, Wilfrid Laurier Univeristy (Speaker)

SESSION 2: Everyday and cultural geographies of Islam/Muslims: Queering Affect1. Arabs ...

Tuesday 9 May, 2023

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Yannis-Adam Allouache, Department of Geography, National University of Singapore (Speaker)

This paper engages with contemporary debates in labour geographies through its focus on precarity as a point of mobilisation, and the importance...

Sessions in which Yannis-Adam Allouache attends

Tuesday 9 May, 2023

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Opening conference by Rodolphe de Koninck
1 hour, 9:00 EDT - 10:00 EDT

UQAM - Coeur des sciences - Amphithéâtre (SH-2800)

Rodolphe De Koninck (Speaker)

Migration. Dislocation. Method. Policy.
1 hour 30 minutes, 10:30 EDT - 12:00 EDT

UQAM - Pavillon Sherbrooke - SH-3560

Ebenezer Narh, The University Of Western Ontario (Master of ceremonies)

Shannon Leitch, University of Ottawa (Speaker)

Senanu Kutor, Western University (Speaker)

Blair Cullen, Wilfrid Laurier University (Speaker)

Authors: Ebenezer Narh and Dr. Michael Buzzelli, Geography and Envi...
1 hour 30 minutes, 10:30 EDT - 12:00 EDT

UQAM - Pavillon Sherbrooke - SH-3540

Wednesday 10 May, 2023

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

UQAM - Coeur des sciences - Amphithéâtre (SH-2800)


UQAM - Pavillon Sherbrooke - SH-3560

Suzanne Mills, McMaster University (Master of ceremonies)

Nancy Worth, University of Waterloo (Speaker)

Esra Alkim Karaagac, University of Waterloo (Speaker)

Emily Reid-Musson, St. Francis Xavier University (Speaker)

Émile Baril, YorkU (Speaker)

Allison Williams, McMaster University (Speaker)

This call for papers brings together scholarship in labour geography and geographies of work and employment in Canada and abroad. The past few y...

UQAM - Pavillon Sherbrooke - SH-3260

Panel - Early Career Roundtable
2 hours, 10:00 EDT - 12:00 EDT

UQAM - Pavillon Sherbrooke - SH-3420

Nancy Worth, University of Waterloo (Master of ceremonies)

Roza Tchoukaleyska, Western University (Master of ceremonies)

This roundtable is an opportunity to discuss the topics, issues, and processes that frame the transition from a PhD / P...
Special Session -- Geographies of Asia panel(s)
1 hour 30 minutes, 13:30 EDT - 15:00 EDT

UQAM - Pavillon Sherbrooke - SH-3260

Thomas Waldichuk, Dept. of Environment, Culture, & Society, AE135, Thompson Rivers University (Master of ceremonies)

Kyle Gibson, Yale-NUS College (Speaker)

Yogi Joseph, Concordia University (Speaker)

Translating landscapes of Japan in the early 1950s from the perspective of an American Geographer living temporarily in Tokyo
5@7 Networking - Awards Ceremony and CAG Address
3 hours, 17:00 EDT - 20:00 EDT

UQAM - Coeur des sciences - Agora du Coeur des sciences

Thursday 11 May, 2023

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Geographies of Care and Caregiving
2 hours, 10:00 EDT - 12:00 EDT

UQAM - Pavillon Sherbrooke - SH-3620

Sophie Geffros, McMaster University (Master of ceremonies)

Samantha Thompson, University of Washington (Speaker)

Aishah Cader, Queen's University (Speaker)

Trevor Wideman, University of British Columbia (Speaker)

Rachel Herron, Brandon University (Speaker)

This session aims to explore the extension of care ethics across several sectors, including formal paid care, the workplace, housing, issues of ...