Galina Scolnic is a sessional instructor in Women's and Gender Studies at the University of Windsor in Windsor, ON, Canada. She recently successfully defended her PhD dissertation titled Secularism versus Awkwardness in Public Spaces: An Online Ethnography with Muslims in Windsor, Ontario. Dr. Scolnic's main interests are religion, secularism, and the nation-state at the intersections of migration, gender, race, and class as it pertains to specific contexts.
Sessions in which Galina Scolnic participates
Monday 8 May, 2023
Session organizers:Dr. Galina Scolnic, University of Windsor, OntarioDr. Hulya Arik, University of TorontoThis panel consists of papers on Muslims/Islam in lived everyday contexts and cultural realms. We aim to expand the academic literature on geographies of Islam and Muslims in areas such as daily affective encounters, cultural and creative production, spatial configurations of I...
SESSION 2: Everyday and cultural geographies of Islam/Muslims: Queering Affect1. Arabs Queering Toronto: Queer Arab Newcomers Claiming and Queering Spaces in their new homeSaif Malhas, PhD Candidate, Geography Department, University of Waterloo &nbs...
Sessions in which Galina Scolnic attends
Monday 8 May, 2023
Don't forget to bring your reusable cup.Breaks will be held in the multipurpose room (SH-4800).Coffee and pastries will be provided throughout the day (while supplies last!).
Tuesday 9 May, 2023
Event detailsThe doors will open at 16h30The lecture will start at 17h30The lecture takes 1,5 hr (including Q & A)The reception will continue for 1,5 hr after the lecture. Drinks and hors d’oeuvres will be served both before and after the lecture, but not during it (Only the first drinks will be free for the first 75 attendees).What is the Suzanne Mackenzie Memorial Lecture (SMML)The Feminist Intersectional So...
Wednesday 10 May, 2023
for members and other interested folks.
- The Feminist Political Geographies of Sexual & Reproductive Control & Justice in ‘Punjabi Canada’
- Do policies have gender? Experiences of Adolescent Girls and Women of Disaster-prone Areas during Disasters
- “For home and country”: Colonial social reproduction and the Alberta Women’s Institute, 1909-1930