Sarah Breen
Sarah is the Regional Innovation Chair in Rural Economic Development at Selkirk College. Sarah has experience in research, policy, and project management. Her research interests include economic development, infrastructure, natural resource management, resilience, governance, and policy - all with a focus on rural. Bio: https://selkirk.ca/staff-directory/sarah-patricia-breen Social Innovation: https://selkirk.ca/about-selkirk/selkirk-innovates/social-innovation
Sessions auxquelles Sarah Breen participe
Mardi 9 Mai, 2023
Sessions auxquelles Sarah Breen assiste
Lundi 8 Mai, 2023
Please join us to present and discuss research on tourism, conservation, and/or recreation in North America. During the session, we’ll connect ideas, concepts, and lessons within papers, and consider implications across them. We’ll contemplate and contribute to ongoing conversations about possible tourism, recreation, and conservation “resets” as we emerge from the COVID-19 era. 1. Graci, Rasmussen, ...
N'oubliez pas d'apporter votre tasse réutilisable.Les pauses auront lieu dans la salle polyvalente (SH-4800).Du café et des viennoiseries vous sont offerts tout au long de la journée (jusqu'à épuisement des stocks !)
4. Zhang and Meletis. Integrated trails: Combining real and virtual tourism experiences to improve accessibility and experiences in Tumbler Ridge, British Columbia (20 minutes including questions)Northern BC houses a “Game of Thrones”-worthy UNESCO Global Geopark with numerous in-situ dinosaur tracks and fossils, a paleontology-focused museum, and a dazzling array of trails and si...
Mardi 9 Mai, 2023
Le géographe, le territoire, la forêt (titre provisoire)
Le diner est libre et non inclus dans les frais d'inscription. Consulter cette page pour plus d'information.
Event detailsThe doors will open at 16h30The lecture will start at 17h30The lecture takes 1,5 hr (including Q & A)The reception will continue for 1,5 hr after the lecture. Drinks and hors d’oeuvres will be served both before and after the lecture, but not during it (Only the first drinks will be free for the first 75 attendees).What is the Suzanne Mackenzie Memorial Lecture (SMML)The Feminist Intersectional So...
Mercredi 10 Mai, 2023
par Michel Lamothe, ProfesseurDirecteur du laboratoire de luminescence LuxUniversité du Québec à Montréal
Le diner est libre et non inclus dans les frais d'inscription. Consulter cette page pour plus d'information.
Jeudi 11 Mai, 2023
- Colonizing Crop Sovereignty through Neoliberal Prescriptions: A Study on the Maize Cultivation in Dinajpur, Bangladesh.
- The Geography of the Yellowstone to Yukon’s Social Science Research Agenda
- Patterns of Rural Community Livelihood and Local Knowledge on Socio-ecological Production Landscapes (SEPLs) in the Agro-ecological Zones of the Brahmaputra Valley of Assam Plain, India
- Mobilizing Space to Realize the Transformative Potential of Work Integration Social Enterprises through a Politics of Scale and Scope
- Mapping and Mobilizing Assets for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in UNESCO’s Frontenac Arch Biosphere
Le diner est libre et non inclus dans les frais d'inscription. Consulter cette page pour plus d'information.
- Can Digital Environmental Scans Adequately Measure the Environment?
- Développement du territoire et pollution : le cas de la gestion des matières résiduelles de la localité de Radisson
- Mobilisations et stratégies d’acteurs engagés face aux enjeux de transition écologique : regards croisés urbain-rural
- From adaptive reuse to place-based social enterprises in Newfoundland and Labrador: reflections from the periphery