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Lundi 8 Mai, 2023

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
13:30 EDT - 15:00 EDT | 1 heure 30 minutes

(Im)migrants undergo significant transitions when settling in Canada and especially when they are searching for housing. The main aim of this session is to examine the housing experiences of (im)migrants (including permanent residents, refugees, temporary migrants, and international students) from an intersectional perspective with a particular interest in the role of class and visible minority identity. Specifically, we are interested in...

13:30 EDT - 15:00 EDT | 1 heure 30 minutes

Please join us to present and discuss research on tourism, conservation, and/or recreation in North America. During the session, we’ll connect ideas, concepts, and lessons within papers, and consider implications across them.  We’ll contemplate and contribute to ongoing conversations about possible tourism, recreation, and conservation “resets” as we emerge from the COVID-19 era. 1. Graci, Rasmussen, ...

13:30 EDT - 15:00 EDT | 1 heure 30 minutes

Session organizers:Dr. Galina Scolnic, University of Windsor, OntarioDr. Hulya Arik, University of TorontoThis panel consists of papers on Muslims/Islam in lived everyday contexts and cultural realms. We aim to expand the academic literature on geographies of Islam and Muslims in areas such as daily affective encounters, cultural and creative production, spatial configurations of I...

15:00 EDT - 15:30 EDT | 30 minutes

N'oubliez pas d'apporter votre tasse réutilisable.Les pauses auront lieu dans la salle polyvalente (SH-4800).Du café et des viennoiseries vous sont offerts tout au long de la journée (jusqu'à épuisement des stocks !)

15:30 EDT - 17:00 EDT | 1 heure 30 minutes

(Im)migrants undergo significant transitions when settling in Canada and especially when they are searching for housing. The main aim of this session is to examine the housing experiences of (im)migrants (including permanent residents, refugees, temporary migrants, and international students) from an intersectional perspective with a particular interest in the role of class and visible minority identity. Specifically, we are interested in...

15:30 EDT - 17:00 EDT | 1 heure 30 minutes

4. Zhang and Meletis.  Integrated trails: Combining real and virtual tourism experiences to improve accessibility and experiences in Tumbler Ridge, British Columbia (20 minutes including questions)Northern BC houses a “Game of Thrones”-worthy UNESCO Global Geopark with numerous in-situ dinosaur tracks and fossils, a paleontology-focused museum, and a dazzling array of trails and si...

15:30 EDT - 17:00 EDT | 1 heure 30 minutes

SESSION 2: Everyday and cultural geographies of Islam/Muslims: Queering Affect1. Arabs Queering Toronto: Queer Arab Newcomers Claiming and Queering Spaces in their new homeSaif Malhas, PhD Candidate, Geography Department, University of Waterloo                                    &nbs...

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