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Venue Information


Conference Venue

The academic conference sessions will be held July 29-31 in the Salle Polyvalente (room SH-4800) in Sherbrooke Pavilion, located at 200 rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montréal.

Sherbrooke Pavilion is located near the Place-des-Arts Metro station on the Green Line.


Welcome Reception

We invite all attendees and their guests to join us on July 28 at 5:00 pm for a classic Montréal 5 à 7 reception in the Chaufferie in UQAM's Coeur des Sciences (175 Av. du Président-Kennedy, Montréal). 

The reception location is next door to the academic conference venue. Both can be accessed easily from the Place-des-Arts Metro station.


Conference Dinner

Location TBA
