Naveed Iqal
With seven years of professional experience, Naveed specializes in the field of architecture and interior architecture (adaptive reuse). As an architect, he has mainly worked for medium to large-sized organizations in the architecture and construction sector. Throughout his career he has maintained a strong record in designing, executing, and reusing buildings of different scales, types, and functions, but it was the adaptive reuse discipline that attracted Naveed the most. Looking at the buildings pile of modern, old and ancient buildings adaptive reuse in the field of architecture is inevitable. This encouraged Naveed to pursue further studies, he applied for a scholarship through the Higher Education Commission HEC Pakistan and was selected in a systematic selection criterion for Master leading to Ph.D. program.
Naveed has a bachelor’s degree in architecture from the University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar Pakistan. A Master in “interior architecture adaptive re-use” with distinction from Hasselt university Belgium. He continued his research work as a Ph.D. scholar in the research group “Trace” at UHasselt Belgium on the topic of “Industrial heritage and its adaptive reuse potential in Pakistan” defining through international precedents the value of industrial heritage in urban regeneration.
The recent tide of industrial heritage and its reuse is quite unique for south Asian countries although it seems like a well-established strategy elsewhere in cities regeneration. Identification of industrial heritage and its reuse potential will be a new addition to the heritage arena of Pakistan as currently it is only focused on cultural and religious heritage.
"Adaptive reuse; Potentials and Compromises Between Demolition & Conservation with some Reflections from Pakistan". EAAE Conservation/Demolition workshop VII CTU Prague Czech Republic.
“Industrial sites adaptive reuse & regeneration potential in the metropolitan cities of Pakistan”. EAAE-ARCC international conference and VIBRArch Valencia Spain
“Re-reading the heritage legislations of Pakistan”. Heritage 2020 conference Portugal
“The Industrial Revolution and industrial heritage in the city of Karachi: A historical overview of the industrial revolution, related heritage, and its current state in the city of Karachi”. ICACHM 2021:23rd International Conference on Architectural Conservation and Heritage Management to be held in New York, USA