Caroline BODOLEC is senior researcher with the French National Scientific Research Center (CNRS) at the Centre d’études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine (UMR 8173 Chine, Corée, Japon)
Her field of research focus on the intangible cultural heritage and on the appropriation of the Intangible cultural heritage convention of UNESCO (2003) in China. She conducts fieldwork studies over northern part of the country, especially in Shaanxi and Shanxi provinces. She also works on the history of construction and the anthropology of techniques during Late imperial and contemporary China. She published several articles in those topics and a book entitled La voûte dans l'architecture chinoise : un patrimoine méconnu (Maisonneuve et Larose, 2005). She is co-author of a documentary made with Elodie Brosseau entitled Yaodong, little treaty of construction, 89 ', EHESS & AnimaViva production that won the Intangible Cultural Heritage Award at the 31st Festival of Ethnographic Film Jean Rouch in 2012 and the second prize at the Festival du Film de chercheurs, Nancy, 2014.