Hi here, I am the Ph.D student of Harbin Institute of Technology and majoring in architectural history and theory. My research is about the Art Nouveau movement and its transmission in China.
Main research aspects:
1\. Art Nouveau movement architecture
2\. Architectural Heritage of the Chinese Eastern Railway
3\. Cultural transmission and Sustainable development
Main realizations/publications:
[1] The Presentation Of Russian “National Romanticism” On Architecture Of Art Nouveau [C]. Moscow. International Scientific Conference "New Ideas Of The Century:2016.
[2] Protection of Art Nouveau Architecture along the Chinese Eastern Railway, ICAP, 2017
[3] Picturesque and ideas of Architecture, The 7th international symposium on teachintg and research of architecural history, 2017
[4] Representation and expression: Analysis of two thinking patterns in Contemporary Architectural artistic creation, the Architect magazine, 2020
[5] Succession and Sublimation: The Transformation of Art Nouveau Architecture from History to Contemporary, the Architect magazine, 2020
Professor: Daping Liu
Institution: School of Architecture, Harbin Institute Of Technology
E-mail: [ldp_abc@sina.com](mailto:ldp_abc@sina.com)