Semina An
Master of Architecture at Korea National University of Arts, Korea.
PhD student of IWTG at TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany.
Sessions auxquelles Semina An assiste
Dimanche 28 Août, 2022
Joignez-vous aux organisateurs du congrès et aux membres du board de TICCIH pour un cocktail de bienvenue et quelques mots festifs de présentation, dans l’ancienne forge de l’École technique de Montréal, fondée en 1909, aujourd’hui intégrée au campus de l’Université du Québec à Montréal.
Lundi 29 Août, 2022
Industrialization processes have been global from their very beginning. However, their interpretation still tends to be limited to specific locations or regions, and to specific time periods. Regularly, for example, it is stated that the industrial revolution started in Europe, from where it spread to the world, supposedly bringing technological and social progress to „less developed“ countries. Earlier periods of technology and knowledge transfer processes, that were already in place in t...
Industrialization processes have been global from their very beginning. However, their interpretation still tends to be limited to specific locations or regions, and to specific time periods. Regularly, for example, it is stated that the industrial revolution started in Europe, from where it spread to the world, supposedly bringing technological and social progress to „less developed“ countries. Earlier periods of technology and knowledge transfer processes, that were already in place in t...
Dans une ambiance traditionnelle du temps des sucres québécois, profitez d’une tire d’érable roulée sur neige dans la plus pure tradition, accompagnée d’une musique de circonstance !
Joignez-vous à nous pour poursuivre de manière informelle la discussion lancée lors de la conférence publique.Une consommation sera offerte aux quinze premières personnes arrivées.
Mardi 30 Août, 2022
Past efforts to conserve and interpret industrial heritage have rarely acknowledged the role of industry causing damaging environmental change. But todays obvious worldwide climate change inevitably impacts our thinking about conservation. This is why we propose a Roundtable session to encourage people to take a fresh look at environmental impacts of industrial heritage.Already in the 1970s narratives of industrial history as a succession of triumphs began to be qu...
Mercredi 31 Août, 2022
Jeudi 1 Septembre, 2022
Many of the remained big scale Industrial heritage in Taiwan were the products of the Japanese colonial period between 1895 and 1945, which spans the first half of the twentieth century. This fifty-year colonial industrialisation is arguably Taiwan’s most influential industrial heritage because it began a rapid process of modernisation that is continuing today. The key to this process is the industrialisation that led to the development of main parts of the island, catalysed new communitie...