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Garima Jain


PhD Student
Arizona State University
Participates in 1 Session

Garima is a Ph.D. student in Geography and a Gilbert F. White Environment and Society Fellow at the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning (SGSUP) at Arizona State University. Her research, practice, and teaching interests lie at the intersection of climate change adaptation, land change science, and human decision-making processes. Using these lenses, she focuses on disaster recovery processes and long-term outcomes for affected populations and places, especially those located in the Global South. She is currently studying long-term outcomes of adaptation responses to climatic extremes in coastal areas of India. 

Sessions in which Garima Jain participates

Tuesday 9 May, 2023

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Garima Jain, Arizona State University (Speaker)

Advocates for the Anthropocene accept that humans are significantly altering the environment1

Sessions in which Garima Jain attends

Monday 8 May, 2023

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Welcome of the participants
4 hours, 13:00 EDT - 17:00 EDT

UQAM - Pavillon Sherbrooke - Entrance hall

Relationships humans-nature and resistance
1 hour 30 minutes, 13:30 EDT - 15:00 EDT

UQAM - Pavillon Sherbrooke - SH-3560

New territories / conservation
1 hour 30 minutes, 13:30 EDT - 15:00 EDT

UQAM - Pavillon Sherbrooke - SH-3340


Leah Fulton, Independent contractor (Speaker)

Coastal islands in Atlantic Canada are known for their intactness, diversity of habitats, and significant biological an...
Coffee break - SH-4800
30 minutes, 15:00 EDT - 15:30 EDT
Don't forget to bring your reusable cup.Breaks will be held in the multipurpose room (SH-4800).Coffee and ...
New territories / conservation
1 hour 30 minutes, 15:30 EDT - 17:00 EDT

UQAM - Pavillon Sherbrooke - SH-3340

Relationships humans-nature and resistance
1 hour 30 minutes, 15:30 EDT - 17:00 EDT

UQAM - Pavillon Sherbrooke - SH-3560

Tuesday 9 May, 2023

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

UQAM - Coeur des sciences - Amphithéâtre (SH-2800)

Nathalie Gravel, Université Laval (Speaker)


UQAM - Coeur des sciences - Amphithéâtre (SH-2800)

Juan-Luis Klein, UQAM (Speaker)

Yannick Hémond, Université du Québec à Montréal (Speaker)

Migration. Dislocation. Method. Policy.
1 hour 30 minutes, 10:30 EDT - 12:00 EDT

UQAM - Pavillon Sherbrooke - SH-3560

Ebenezer Narh, The University Of Western Ontario (Master of ceremonies)

Shannon Leitch, University of Ottawa (Speaker)

Senanu Kutor, Western University (Speaker)

Blair Cullen, Wilfrid Laurier University (Speaker)

Authors: Ebenezer Narh and Dr. Michael Buzzelli, Geography and Envi...
Risk / Adaptation
1 hour 30 minutes, 13:30 EDT - 15:00 EDT

UQAM - Pavillon Sherbrooke - SH-3540

Philip Kelly, Graduate Program in Geography, EUC, York University (Speaker)

Labour regime analysis has evolved to examine the multitude of actors and institutio...
Infrastructure / Territorial development
1 hour 30 minutes, 15:30 EDT - 17:00 EDT

UQAM - Pavillon Sherbrooke - SH-3340


Sheika Henry, Brandon University (Speaker)

Southern Manitoba is experiencing a climate shift, which is expected to intensify in the future. In fact, climate models predict changes in prec...
Suzanne Mackenzie Memorial Lecture and reception
3 hours 30 minutes, 16:30 EDT - 20:00 EDT

UQAM - Coeur des sciences - Agora du Coeur des sciences

Sharlene Mollet, University of Toronto Scarborough (Keynote speaker)

Event detailsThe doors will open at 16h30The lecture will start at 17h30The lecture takes 1,5 hr (including...

Wednesday 10 May, 2023

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Vegetation / boreal
2 hours, 10:00 EDT - 12:00 EDT

UQAM - Pavillon Sherbrooke - SH-3620

Panel - Early Career Roundtable
2 hours, 10:00 EDT - 12:00 EDT

UQAM - Pavillon Sherbrooke - SH-3420

Nancy Worth, University of Waterloo (Master of ceremonies)

Roza Tchoukaleyska, Western University (Master of ceremonies)

This roundtable is an opportunity to discuss the topics, issues, and processes that frame the transition from a PhD / P...
Special Session -- Geographies of Asia panel(s)
1 hour 30 minutes, 13:30 EDT - 15:00 EDT

UQAM - Pavillon Sherbrooke - SH-3260

Thomas Waldichuk, Dept. of Environment, Culture, & Society, AE135, Thompson Rivers University (Master of ceremonies)

Kyle Gibson, Yale-NUS College (Speaker)

Yogi Joseph, Concordia University (Speaker)

Translating landscapes of Japan in the early 1950s from the perspective of an American Geographer living temporarily in Tokyo