Sessions auxquelles Stella Harden participe
Jeudi 11 Mai, 2023
Sessions auxquelles Stella Harden assiste
Mardi 9 Mai, 2023
Event detailsThe doors will open at 16h30The lecture will start at 17h30The lecture takes 1,5 hr (including Q & A)The reception will continue for 1,5 hr after the lecture. Drinks and hors d’oeuvres will be served both before and after the lecture, but not during it (Only the first drinks will be free for the first 75 attendees).What is the Suzanne Mackenzie Memorial Lecture (SMML)The Feminist Intersectional So...
Mercredi 10 Mai, 2023
for members and other interested folks.
- The Feminist Political Geographies of Sexual & Reproductive Control & Justice in ‘Punjabi Canada’
- Do policies have gender? Experiences of Adolescent Girls and Women of Disaster-prone Areas during Disasters
- “For home and country”: Colonial social reproduction and the Alberta Women’s Institute, 1909-1930
Jeudi 11 Mai, 2023
- Can Digital Environmental Scans Adequately Measure the Environment?
- Développement du territoire et pollution : le cas de la gestion des matières résiduelles de la localité de Radisson
- Mobilisations et stratégies d’acteurs engagés face aux enjeux de transition écologique : regards croisés urbain-rural
- From adaptive reuse to place-based social enterprises in Newfoundland and Labrador: reflections from the periphery