Yaryna Yuryk was born in 1984 and is working in Lviv. She is an artist, designer, member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine, Ph.D. Architecture, Candidate of Architecture .
She graduated from the Ivan Trush College of Decorative and Applied Arts and Lviv Polytechnic National University, where he teaches as an Docent of Design.
Postgraduate studentship in National Polytechnic University of Lviv, presented PhD thesis on the topic “The influence of identity on Lviv architecture formation in the 20th century” in speciality 18.00.01 – “theory of architecture, architectural monuments restoration” (2011).
The search of identity in multicultural architectural heritage of cities.
The preservation of cultural heritage. Identity and memory in the built environment city in theory and practice of urban environment.
The author of scientific articles on protection of cultural heritage, preservation of identity and memory in the built environment of the city? modern art, architecture, design, theory and practice of of urban environment, scientific and methodological materials to the academic disciplines.
• Finalized for publication the monography “The architectural identity of Lviv in the 20th century”, where the multicultural heritage of Lviv communities was studied, the place and role of Ukrainians, Poles, Austrians, Jews, Italians in heritage of the city was explored. Their identity was revealed, their architectural and artistic reflection.
• Finalized for publication the handbook “Urban environment design”.
She is the winner of the international competitions in painting in the US, Ukraine, Italy, Portugal, China. She has also been the exhibitor at exhibitions in the UK, Switzerland and other countries She works in the author's patented technique of watercolor and oil paintings, pastel.
Sessions auxquelles Yaryna Yuryk participe
Lundi 6 Juin, 2016
Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
11.30 The Memorial Architectural Environment of the City
9:00 -
9:30 |
30 minutes
Sessions auxquelles Yaryna Yuryk assiste
Vendredi 3 Juin, 2016
Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Public Debate: Heritage and Tourism | Débat public: Patrimoine et tourisme
11:30 -
13:00 |
1 heure 30 minutes
Opening Ceremony and Cocktail
17:00 -
19:30 |
2 heures 30 minutes
The Garden of the Grey Nuns / Le jardin des sœurs grises
19:30 -
21:00 |
1 heure 30 minutes
Samedi 4 Juin, 2016
Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Dimanche 5 Juin, 2016
Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
ACHS 2016 General Assembly
17:00 -
18:30 |
1 heure 30 minutes
Lundi 6 Juin, 2016
Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
In-community session: Teaching/Learning/Living Post-Industrial Ecologies: Roundtable on Concordia’s ‘Right to the City’ Initiative
11:00 -
12:30 |
1 heure 30 minutes
Mardi 7 Juin, 2016
Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Critical Heritage Studies in the UK: Future Directions
15:30 -
17:00 |
1 heure 30 minutes
- Prof Elizabeth Crooke (Participant.e)
- Dr Anna Woodham (Participant.e)
- Prof. Rhiannon Mason (Participant.e)
- Prof. Máiréad Nic Craith (Participant.e)
- Prof. Ullrich Kockel (Potentiel.le)
- Dr Katherine Lloyd (Modérateur.rice)
- Dr Susannah Eckersley (Potentiel.le)
- Bethany Rex (Potentiel.le)
- Dr Nuala Morse (Potentiel.le)
- Prof. Melissa F. Baird (Potentiel.le)
- Dr Bryony Onciul (Modérateur.rice)
- Dr Areti Galani (Potentiel.le)
- Dr Bryony Onciul (Participant.e)
- Dr Sophia Labadi (Participant.e)
- Dr Helen Graham (Participant.e)
- Rodney Harrison (Participant.e)
Mercredi 8 Juin, 2016
Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)