Rosalind Pepall
Rosalind Pepall recently retired as the Senior Curator of Decorative Arts, and formerly Curator of Canadian Art, at the Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal, where she was responsible for a wide range of exhibitions and publications including the book, Decorative Arts and Design: The Collection of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (MBAM 2012). For the National Gallery of Canada, she worked on the curatorial committee for the exhibition Artists, Architects & Artisans: Canadian Art 1890-1918, Charles C. Hill, ed. (National Gallery of Canada, 2013). Among other exhibitions she curated are : Ruhlmann: un génie de l’art déco (catalogue published by MBAM and Somogy, Paris, 2004, which was awarded Le Prix Houllevigue, Institut de France, Académie des Beaux-Arts). In the field of Canadian architecture, she co-curated a retrospective exhibition on the Montreal architectural firm of Edward & W.S. Maxwell (MBAM 1991). She was also responsible for the exhibition and catalogue on the Maxwell-design museum building, Construction d’un musée Beaux-Arts:Montréal 1912:Building a Beaux-Arts Museum, (MBAM, 1986). She continues to serve as a consultant and writer in the field of Canadian art, architecture and international design and recently published, Talking to A Portrait: Tales of an Art Curator (Montreal: Véhicule Press, 2020). She is presently studying the social history and patrimoine of the model industrial town of Arvida, Quebec, during its peak years of aluminum production in World War II.