Patrick Viaene
Patrick VIAENE studied Art History and Archaeology (State University Ghent). He started in 1984 as scientific assistant and exhibition curator in the Museum of Industry Ghent. in 1991 he became researcher and project leader in 'La Fonderie' \- Center of Social and Economic History of the Brussels Region. From 1995 tot 2018 he was lecturer and researcher in the School of Arts (University College Ghent) and ended his career in 2021 at the University of Antwerp (Heritage Conservation Studies). From 2004 till 2013 P. Viaene was president of the Support Group Industrial & Scientific Heritage (SIWE). From 2009 till 2018 he was a Board member of TICCIH, an organisation that he is involved with, since he was Secretary-General of the 7th ICCIH (Brussels, 1990). He is actively involved in actions to save industrial monuments in Flanders / Belgium, such as the coal processing plant in Beringen
- Industrial archaeology in Belgium (Ghent 1986 & 1990);
- Bibliography of industrial heritage in Belgium (1991-2005);
- Industrial culture in Belgium (Industriekultur, 2010);
- Back from Canada, report of the 9th ICCIH conference in Montreal & Ottawa (TIC-Review, 1994);
- Saving industrial heritage in Belgium with volunteers (TICCIH-Taiwan, 2013); Viewpoint in films about coalmining and steel production in Belgium (17th ICCIH-Transactions, Santiago de Chili 2018, p. 61-65).