Leticia Pérez Castellanos
Coordinator of Post Graduate Studies Program in Museology
Escuela Nacional de Conservación, Restauración y Museografía
Participe à 2 sessions
She obtained her Masters Degree in Museology at the Escuela Nacional de Conservación, Restauración y Museografía del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH) in México, where she currently is a professor and Coordinator of Post Graduate Studies Program in Museology. Her research interests are focused in Visitor Studies and International Exhibitions, mainly concerning the reception and appreciation audiences in other countries may have upon encountering displays of Mexican Culture. She worked in the creation and operation of the Interactive Museum of Economy (MIDE) in Mexico City as Coordinator of Visitor Studies. She then became Sub-director of International Exhibitions at INAH´s National Museum Coordination, participating in the organization and planning of numerous exhibition projects of international scale. During an internship at Spain´s Ministerio de Cultura, she collaborated with the Ibermuseos Program in the implementation of the Observatorio Iberoamericano de Museos. She has given talks and conferences in Mexico, and recently a course for the Programa de Posgraduación Interunidades en Museología at the University of Sao Paulo, Brasil and the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. She currently collaborates in a joint project with Victoria University in Wellington, New Zaeland, analyzing the international exhibition “Aztecs. Conquest and Glory” which travelled through Oceania. She recently published the article Aztecs in Oceania. Researching Cross-cultural Encounters in an International Travelling Exhibition, co-authored with Lee Davidson, Revista Intervención, Año 6, Num, 12, july-december 2015.
Sessions auxquelles Leticia Pérez Castellanos participe
Lundi 6 Juin, 2016
Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Sessions auxquelles Leticia Pérez Castellanos assiste
Dimanche 5 Juin, 2016
Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Lundi 6 Juin, 2016
Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Mardi 7 Juin, 2016
Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Thinking Through the Museum: Difficult Knowledge in Public
13:30 -
15:00 |
1 heure 30 minutes
Museums and Historical Consciousness: Emergent Themes in Theory and Practice
15:30 -
17:00 |
1 heure 30 minutes