Jorge Magaz-Molina
Architect. PhD candidate (FPI fellowship) in the School of Architecture at the University of Alcalá [UAH](Madrid, Spain).
I am member of the "Architecture, History, City and Landscape" Research Group of the University of Alcalá. I'm involved in the research project "The image of the National Institute of Industry in Spain: Cartography and Industry Landscape" funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. (Ref. PGC2018-095261-B-C22)
I focus my research work on the study of the mining-industrial legacy in the face of the current reconversion processes and on evaluating industrial landscapes.
I have participated in more than a dozen conferences and seminars in Spain, Portugal and Italy related to industrial heritage, including Docomomo Ibérico, Icomos - Spain, TICCIH-Portugal and INCUNA.
I have coordinated several seminars about the valorization of industrial mining heritage for local development at the Associated Centre of the National University of Distance Education (UNED) in Ponferrada, León.
You can read my last published articles on ReseachGate:
- (2021) Methodological contributions for a heritage inventory of the railway legacy as a basis for a territorial system of industrial mining heritage in the regions of El Bierzo and Laciana (León, Spain). Transportes, servicios y telecomunicaciones, 44,
- (2020) Ciudad, territorio, ferrocarril e industria. Las instalaciones ferroviarias como motor del desarrollo de Ponferrada (León). In CARDOSO DE MATOS, A. & SOBRINO SIMAL, J. Patrimonio industrial ibero-americano: recentes abordagens. Évora: Publicações do Cidehus. DOI: 10.4000/books.cidehus.13373
- (2020) Analysis of the planned worker habitat in the Upper & Medium basin of Sil river (León, Spain). In REHABEND 2020. VIII Euro-American Congress on construction pathology, rehabilitation technology and heritage management. Granada: University of Cantabria.
- (2019) Agua, luz y carbón: origen del paisaje eléctrico del Medio y Alto Sil (León - España). In CAPEL, H. & ZAAR, M. V La electricidad y la transformación de la vida urbana y social. Barcelona: University of Barcelona / Geocrítica. ISBN: 978-84-09-13010-8.