Cristina Sucala
The author, a practicing architect registered with the French Architect's Chamber, based in Paris, is specialised in twentieth century heritage at ENSA PARIS BELLEVILLE and currently a phd student at Ironbridge International Institute for Cultural Heritage, at the University of Birmingham, UK. She has initiated and been part of the process of heritagization of Petrila Colliery, in Romania, from its’ beginnings, in 2012. The team, composed of other four architects: Ilinca Paun-Constantinescu, Mihai Danciu, Dragos Dascalu and Ina Stoian has gathered around them, through the yearly workshops, an impressive group of young practitioners and students, from Romania, France and Germany. Cristina is also a member of CILAC association for industrial heritage in France, and TICCIH. Publications: 2020 - Publication in Transylvania Nostra review, No. 4/2020 : The place of industrial heritage in the Romanian Authorised Heritage Discourse. The case of Petrila Coal Mine 2018 - Participation at the TICCIH Congress in Santiago de Chile, 2018 with the presentation: “Industrial heritage-based regeneration in a post-socialist country: Building Up A Path Towards A Sustainable Strategy In Petrila, Romania 2017 - An Activist Perspective on Industrial Heritage in Petrila, a Romanian Mining City, The Public Historian, Vol. 39, No. 4, pp. 114–141 (November2017). 2016 - Participation at the conference “ Inheriting the City : Advancing Understandings of Urban Heritage”, Taipei, Taiwan, with the presentation of the Petrila project: «“The vanishing coal mine: Could a coal mine help re-invent a city against an administration that doesn’t care about heritage?» 2014 - «A Biennale of Knowledge» published in the 2014 issue of The journal of studies in History and Theory of Architecture, published by the Department of Architectural History & Theory and Heritage Conservation at ‘Ion Mincu’ University of Architecture and Urbanism in Bucharest, Romania 2013 - Invited Presentation «Industrial Heritage as an urban regeneration resource. Romanian-French Workshop in Petrila, Romania» during the Water Plant Days in Suceava, Romania. A former Water Plant reconverted into a Cultural Centre) 2010 - Research activity on the urban heritage of the garden city of Chatenay-Malabry in France at ENSA PARIS-BELLEVILLE