June 27, 2022, 8:00 - June 30, 2022, 18:00

Welcome to the AmeriDendro 2022 website!
The local organizing committee is excited to welcome you to Montréal on June 27th to 30th, 2022. AmeriDendro 2022 (fourth edition) brings together all members of the tree ring community from the Americas and abroad, and proposes a stimulating set of talks, and activities relating to tree ring science. Yes, in person ! Just like in the good old days!
This fourth edition includes :
- Exciting workshops for both graduate students and senior scientists working with tree rings.
- A general session (talks and posters) that covers new developments in all fields and applications of tree-ring research.
- A list of symposia that adress timely research opportunities for the tree-ring research community.
- An optional, pre-conference summer school (NADEF) where renown tree-ringers provide hands on training on the use and applications of tree rings.
- A non-optional, on-site, International Jazz Festival to enjoy' MTL's lively and FREE cultural scene!
Latest news!
Jun. 28, 2022
Power outage
A power outage has occurred in the UQAM Sherbrooke building and the whole neighborhood, today at 14h45. We do not expect power to be back before 17pm. All of the affected talks have been postponed for tomorrow. All talks initially scheduled for June 28th at 14h45 will be held June 29th at 15h00. All talks scheduled for June 28th after 15h15 will be held at the same time, but on June 29th.
We will update the schedule soon to reflect these changes
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Jun. 27, 2022
Registration and Entrance
Registration opens @ 8h00 this morning.
Main entrance of conference: 200 rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montréal
Jun. 25, 2022
Prepare for the workshops
Check the workshops you want to attend in the schedule to find precise instructions and documents you will need!
Jun. 22, 2022
AmeriDendro Booklet
Now available! and contains useful and condensed info about schedule, rooms etc.
Jun. 14, 2022
Frequently Asked Questions? (F.A.Qs)
Travel directions, COVID 19 situation, online accommodation & more to come! Check out our new F.A.Q. tab, which will be updated periodically.
Jun. 3, 2022
Student awards: 2000$ in prizes (final deadline)!!
Complete this form if you want your oral or poster presentation to be considered for an award! anticipate having several different awards (final decisions depend on number of participants) with winners announced at the end of the conference and all participants will receive feedback on their presentations.
Please complete the form before the end of day (11:59 PM EST) on June 14 (final deadline) so we can properly plan. If you have any questions or concerns, please email
May 27, 2022
Dendro-Art programmed during AmeriDendro!!!
Trees do not only inspire tree-ring scientists, they are also a source of inspiration for Quebec-based artists. During their stay in MTL, AmeriDendro 2022 attendees will enjoy two artistic creations: The "Median, Orée des bois" project (Trudel et al.) and 'Boreal Symphonies" (Martin et al). Click here for more info.
Apr. 13th, 2022
Presenters Guidelines!!!
The organizing committee has prepared guidelines for presenters. Please make sure you follow them before you start preparing your oral or your poster.
Registration fees
Here is what the local organizing committee anticipates for registration fees for AmeriDendro 2022. Prices may change slightly. Registration will start in winter 2022!!
Early bird registration: open from Late January to Late February
TRS member (CAD$+ tx) | Non-TRS member (CAD$+tx) | ||
Researcher | Early bird Regular | 310$ 365$ | 365$ 430$ |
Student | Early bird Regular | 216$ 255$ | 255$ 300$ |
Local organizing committee
Étienne Boucher, Université du Québec à Montréal
Sandrine Solignac, Université du Québec à Montréal
Luc Lauzon, Université du Québec à Montréal
Fabio Gennaretti, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue
Trevor Porter, University of Toronto – Mississauga
Camille Lepage, Université du Québec à Montréal
Ignacio Hermoso de Mendoza Naval, Université du Québec à Montréal
Emilie Labourdette, Université du Québec à Montréal
Maya-Gabrielle Lévesque, Université du Québec à Montréal
Scientific Committee:
Rocío Urrutia, Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile
Ignacio Mundo, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo at Mendoza, Argentina
Meagan Rochner, University of Louisville, USA
Jim Speer, Indiana State University, USA
Valerie Trouet, University of Arizona, USA
Colin Larocque, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Jill Harvey, Canadian Forest Service, Canada
Kelsey Copes-Gerbitz, University of British Columbia, Canada
Lori Daniels, University of British Columbia, Canada
Fabio Gennaretti, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Canada
Étienne Boucher, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
Sepideh Namvar, Department of Biology, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
Trevor Porter, University of Toronto – Mississauga, Canada
Contact information:
If there are questions, please contact the organizing committee at