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Darrin Rubino

Biology Professor
Hanover College
Participates in 2 items

Sessions in which Darrin Rubino participates

Wednesday 29 June, 2022

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
9:20 - 10:35 | 1 hour 15 minutes

Information garnered from historical timbers and wooden artifacts (e.g. houses, barns, ships) can greatly enhance our understanding of human, ecological, and climate history, especially in regions where few old-growth forests and trees remain, tree longevity is relatively short (less than 300-400 years), and environmental conditions break down wood rather quickly, like in mesic to wet regions. Over the last decade plus, the application of tree-ring techniques on wo...

10:05 - 10:20 | 15 minutes
Symposium 7

The Mid-Ohio River Valley’s (USA) rich cultural fabric is preserved in the extant 19th century buildings that dot the landscape. Extensive tree-ring analysis 3has provided construction and modification dates for regional buildings (n > 200) such as barns, houses, mills, churches, and various outbuildings. In addition to determining construction dates, the goals of this long-term study include identifying the various timber types used in construction, determining potential bias and cause...