Sessions in which E Boucher participates
Monday 27 June, 2022
MAIDENiso is a numerical process-based model that allows researchers to simulate the growth of a virtual tree. Using daily meteorological data, the model simulates the physical and physiological processes taking place in the tree and its environment, to produce daily and yearly outputs comparable to dendrological observations. The model has been adapted and used successfully in boreal regions in North America. In an inverse mode, tree-ring obs...
Sessions in which E Boucher attends
Wednesday 29 June, 2022
Treeline migration on account of climate change have been reported from various forest ecosystem of the world. The Himalaya are no exception to this. Meteorological records from the western Himalaya, show increasing trend in mean annual temperature in the last century with rapid winter warming. The forest vegetation at the ecotone zone are sensitive to changes in climate variability having profound effects on species composition and diversity, recruitment pattern and altitudinal shifts. We...
Here we report shrub-ring isotope records for big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) from below the “reverse treeline” in central Utah, USA. Despite sectorial growth, ring-widths of mature plants (age range 9 to 54 years) cross-dated well. Plants were sampled in upland locations (controls) as well as adjacent to mounds (circular patches of denuded soil approximately five m diameter) made by harvester ants (Pogonomyrmex occidentalis) and in swale locations where water drains during monsoon ra...
In eastern boreal Canada, in the absence of long gauge records, changes in tree-ring anatomy of periodically flooded trees have allowed reconstruction of spring floods in natural rivers. This study analyzes the effect of regulation on the flood rings (FR) occurrence and on ring widths in Fraxinus nigra trees growing at 5 sites distributed along the Driftwood River floodplain to determine if a flood reconstruction using FR could be done in regulated rivers. Driftwood River was regulated by ...
The use of stable isotope proxies in combination with tree-ring parameters has become a well-established tool to unravel plants’ responses to a changing environment. However, while there have been many studies on intra-annual wood formation processes, the specific details of the fractionation of stable isotopes in high-resolution time scales -knowing the exact date of fractionation- remain unknown. Such a time scale mismatch, provides obstacles to investigate the timing, sensitivity and in...
Thursday 30 June, 2022
In their book chapter in 2011 Gagen et al. (2011) highlighted the need for stable isotope dendroclimatology to move beyond studies that simply demonstrate ‘potential’. This symposium, more than a decade since this publication, will focus on dendrogeochemical studies that demonstrate that the field has moved beyond studies focused on ‘potential’. In particular, this session will strive to identify compelling new insights into unique aspect...
The Caribbean, like much of the tropics, is underrepresented by tree-ring chronologies making global climate reconstructions a challenge because of these blind spots. We have developed a multi-centennial tree-ring chronology from 120 samples of Pinus occidentalis trees located above 2800 m elevation on the dry slopes of Loma la Pelona in the Cordillera Central (19.035278 N, -71.005278 W) of the Dominican Republic. We used skeleton plotting on multiple radii from each crossection to date th...