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General Session (Dendroclimatology, PT2)

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11:00, Tuesday 28 Jun 2022 (1 hour 15 minutes)
Lunch Break   12:15 PM to 01:30 PM (1 hour 15 minutes)
Coeur des Sciences, Sherbrooke Building, UQAM - Classroom (SH-3420)   Virtual session
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Sub Sessions

11:00 - 11:15 | 15 minutes

The past and future of forests are unequivocally controlled and determined by global climate. Constraining the uncertainties within this multifaceted relationship has been the focus of vast research efforts. A spatial perspective, however, is often neglected. Using the geographical constraints (e.g. latitude, altitude) and climatic drivers of tree dynamics as a benchmark, we address the spatial patterns and changes of forest growth at a continental scale and quantify the forest growth resp...

11:15 - 11:30 | 15 minutes

Few spring paleoclimate records are available for boreal Canada and given the warming of spring temperatures in recent decades and its impact on snowmelt and hydrological processes, the search for spring climate proxies is receiving increasing attention. Tree-ring anatomical features and intra-annual widths were used to reconstruct regional mean March-April-May temperature from 1770 to 2016 in eastern boreal Canada. Nested principal component regressions calibrated on 116 years of gridded ...

11:30 - 11:45 | 15 minutes

Models of tree growth responses to climate variability provide insight about the potential effects of global warming on forests. Using a unique dataset containing tree ringwidth measurements from all trees (>4 cm in diameter at breast height) in 1ha plots, we modelled time series of annual basal area increment (BAI) in subalpine forests of western Canada, which are expected to be highly sensitive to the effects of global warming. Our objective was to determine how BAI responses to inter...

11:45 - 12:00 | 15 minutes

Complex topography can facilitate climatic and hydrologic microenvironments that buffer plants against climate change and extreme drought. However, the extent to which topographic position mediates tree growth response to climate is still poorly understood. Dendrochronology, the use of precisely dated tree rings to study environmental processes and history, has been critical for assessing tree growth response to climate variability across topographical gradients. We developed new tree-ring...

12:00 - 12:15 | 15 minutes

Climate extremes are driven by a combination of thermodynamical and dynamical factors. In Europe, the primary dynamical driver of summer climate extremes is the position of the jet stream over the Europe-North Atlantic (EU) region. To study long-term variability in the position of the EU jet, as well as its potential impact on past climate extremes and human systems, we have reconstructed EU jet variability over the past 800+ years (1200-2005 CE). To accomplish this, we have combined five ...

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