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Participants à la session - Keynote : What does heritage change? Le patrimoine, ça change quoi? (Lucie K. Morisset)*

*Seuls les profils publics sont affichés. Vous pouvez ajuster vos préférences de profil en allant à Mon profil dans le menu personnalisé.


Luc Noppen
Professeur titulaire, Chaire de recherche du Canada en patrimoine urbain
Dr Vincent Négri
Chercheur, CNRS - Institut des Sciences sociales du Politique
Prof. William Nitzky
Assistant Professor, California State University Chico, Department of Anthropology, United States
Alevtina Naumova
Ryerson University
Maddalena Napolitani
Phd candidate , ecole normale superieure
Catharina Nolin
Department of Culture and Aesthetics, Stockholm University
Hélène Nadeau
Conseillère à la mise en oeuvre de projets d'aménagement et de patrimoine, Ville de Québec
Mr. Aaron Nelson
Associate Director, Medalta


Steven High
Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling
Rodney Harrison
Reader, University College London
Prof. Bernard Haumont
Dr Claudine Houbart
Lecturer, Université de Liège
Cornelius Holtorf
Professor of Archaeology, Linnaeus University
Professor David Harvey
Professor of Historical-Cultural Geography, University of Exeter, UK
Erin Hogg
Ph.D. Student, Simon Fraser University
Eman Shokry Hesham
PhD Candidate, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus- Senftenberg, Germany
Michele Hardy PhD
Curator; Coordinator--Museum and Heritage Studies, University of Calgary
Riina Haanpää
University of Turku, Finland
Tobias Harding
Senior Lecturer, University of Jyväskylä
Steven Hyland
Programme Producer and Researcher, Tate Liverpool


Dr Marie-Blanche Fourcade
Cheffe conservation et expositions (MHM) et professeure associée (UQAM), Musée de l'Holocauste Montréal et UQAM
Silvia Forni
curator, Royal Ontario Museum
Zara Fournier
Phd candidate in geography, Université François Rabelais Tours
Harald Fredheim
PhD Candidate, University of York
Dr Donna-Lee Frieze
Research Fellow, Deakin University
Ms. Kecia Fong
Ph.D. candidate, Western Sydney University
Sarah Feinstein
University of Manchester
Dr Celia Forget
Centre d'études interuniversitaire sur les lettres, les arts et les traditions, Université Laval
Maurice Forget
Avocat-conseil et ancien président, Fasken Martineau


Mathieu Dormaels Ph.D.
Professeur associé, Université du Québec à Montréal
Prof. Philippe Dubé
Professeur titulaire, CÉLAT
Joshua Dent
PhD Candidate, University of Western Ontario, Department of Anthropology, Canada
Dr Lee Davidson
Senior Lecturer, Victoria University of Wtgn
Stéphane Dawans
Lecturer, University of Liege ULg
Patrick Dieudonné
Directeur adjoint, Université de Bretagne occidentale, Institut de Géoarchitecture, France
Prof. Claudine Déom
professeur agrégé, University of Montreal
Dr Harriet Deacon
Visiting Research Fellow, Ferguson Centre for African and Asian Studies, The Open University, UK
Cécile Dubois
Doctorante, CIAPHS, Université Rennes 2, département de Sociologie, France
Andrea Delaplace
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Mads Daugbjerg
Aarhus University
Dr Danielle Doucet
Historienne de l'art, Université du Québec à Montréal
Ms Jessica Douthwaite
PhD candidate, University of Strathclyde
Dr Isabelle Degrémont
Maître de Conférences, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour
Dr Adriana Diaconu
Associate professor, Institut d'urbanisme de Grenoble, Université Grenoble Alpes
Mesut Dinler
PhD Student, Politecnico di Torino
Mr Rangga Dachlan
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Dr. Stephanie Doyle-Lerat
université de Nantes
Sébastien Daviau
Responsable des collections, Musée régional de Vaudreuil-Soulanges
Claire Ducresson-Boët
Doctorante, UQAM—Université Paris Diderot 7
Dr Victoria Dickenson
Independent scholar and consultant


Prof. Tim Winter
Research Chair in Cultural Heritage, Deakin University
Prof. Nigel Westbrook
University of Western Australia
Dr. Jeremy Wells
Assistant Professor of Historic Preservation, Roger Williams University
Alyssa Wilbur
Master's Student, McGill University
Jiabao Wang
Research and Teaching Assistant , National University of Singapore
Dr Sheila Watson
University of Leicester
Kaitlin Wainwright
Director of Programming, Heritage Toronto
Dongdong Wang
Kanazawa University
Emma Wensing
PhD Student, Australian National University
Leonie Wieser
Northumbria University
Shu-yi Wang
Chinese Culture University
Prof. Dr. Silke Weidner
Chair Urban Management, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
Ms. Rebecca Weldon Sithiwong
Consultant in Museology
Helena Wangefelt Ström
PhD Candidate, Museology, Umeå University


Dr Jessica Mace
Chercheure postdoctorale, University of Toronto
Prof. Guy Mercier
Professeur titulaire, Université Laval
Dr Nuala Morse
Research Associate, University of Manchester / University College London
Dr Ali Mozaffari
Research Fellow, Adjunct Research Fellow, Deakin University, Curtin University
Laura Murray
Queen's University
Ms Katie Markham
Martin Minost
Ph.D Candidate, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales
ms Kayte McSweeney
Object Journeys Partnership Manager, British Museum
Qingkai Ma
Zhejiang University
Jerome McDonough
Assoc. Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Tammy MacDonald
Consultation Negotiation Coordinator and Historical Researcher, Mi'kmaq Confederacy of PEI
Ms. Anne MacKay
Head of Conservation, McCord Museum
Dr Tom Maguire
Senior Lecturer , Ulster University
Rebecca Madgin
Senior Lecturer, University of Glasgow
Siri Mæland
Phd Candidate, NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology /UBP, Université Blaise Pascal.
Zeljka Miklosevic
University of Zagreb
Mélanie Meynier-Philip
ENSArchitecture Lyon - EVS-LAURE, Doctorante en architecture
anna madoeuf
Mr Colm Murray
The Heritage Council of Ireland
Ms. Corinna Moebius
Doctoral Candidate/Graduate Teaching Assistant, Florida International University
prof. Bianca Gioia Marino
DIARC Department of Architecture - University of Naples Federico II
Marie-Paule Macdonald
university of waterloo
Samuel Mathieu
Ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec


Prof. Jean-Yves Andrieux
Professeur, Université de Paris-Sorbonne
Dr Anath Ariel de Vidas
Research director, CNRS, FABRIQ’AM project, France
Samir Admo
Urbaniste et chercheur associé à la Chaire de recherche du Canada en patrimoine urbain ESG UQAM
Nufar Avni
PhD Candidate, School of Urban Planning, McGill University
Andreas Antelid
Archaeologist, Center for Critical Heritage Studies, Heritage Academy
Dr Kostas Arvanitis
Senior Lecturer, University of Manchester
Caecilia Alexandre
PhD Student, Université Laval, Université de Montréal, Faculté de Droit
Julia Ankenbrand
British Museum / University of Leeds
elizabeth auclair
Cergy Pontoise University
Roslynn Ang
Postdoctoral fellow, New York University Shanghai
Claude-May Ambroise
Architecte, Ville de Montreal Arrondissement MHM


Prof. Allison Bain
Professeure titulaire, CELAT, Université Laval
Dr Abdelhadi Bellachhab
Maître de conférences, Université de Nantes, France
Prof. Anne Bénichou
Professeure, Université du Québec à Montréal
Dr Magdalena Buchczyk
Senior Research Associate, University of Bristol
Ana Baeza-Ruiz
University of Leeds
Eni Buljubasic
PhD candidate, Research & Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split, Croatia
Mrs Tiphaine Barthelemy
Professeure, Université de Picardie
Prof Robyn Bushell
Western Sydney University
Dr. Darko Babic
Assistant Professor, University of Zagreb / ICOM Croatia
Dr Caroline Bodolec
Chargé de recherche - ethnologue, CNRS France
Anita Bakshi
Rutgers University
Professor Alexandra Bounia
Professor, University of the Aegean
Aurélie Brayet
Docteure, Chercheure associée RECITS-Femto-St, RECITS-FEMTO-St
Henriette Bertram
University of Kassel
Dr. Inger Birkeland
Associate Professor, University College of Southeast Norway
Karine Basset
Maître de conférences, LARHRA UMR CNRS 5190/Institut d'urbanisme de Grenoble
Nataliya Bezborodova
Research Assistant, University of Alberta
Prof. Nicolas Beaudry
Université du Québec à Rimouski
Dr. Rhiannon Bettivia
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
t s Beall
Artist and Collaborative Doctoral Award recipient, University of Glasgow and The Riverside Museum, Glasgow Museums
Professor Thomas Betteridge
Dean, Brunel University London
Ms Kristal Buckley AM
Lecturer in Cultural Heritage, Deakin University Australia
Loredana Bruma
Rhabillage Association
Lyne Bernier
Urbanologue et stagiaire postdoctorale, CRC patrimoine urbain
Dr Steve Brown
Lecturer in Archaeology (Heritage Studies), The University of Sydney
Cathy Beausoleil
Responsable Logistique, UQAM
Mr. Craig Bennett Jr.
Founder and President, Bennett Preservation Engineering PC, Charleston, South Carolina


Prof. Marc Grignon
Professor, Un. Laval
Gaston Gagnon
Historien et Muséologue Conseil, Retraité du ministère de la Culture et des Communications
Dr Felix Girke
Post-doctoral researcher , Universität Konstanz
Dr Helen Graham
Director, University of Leeds
Dr Vanessa Guéno
Chercheure, Institut Français du Proche Orient, Jordanie
Dr Areti Galani
Lecturer, Newcastle University, UK
Mrs Lilian Grootswagers-Theuns
Owner, / council member of FRH (Future for Religious Heritage, European network for places of worship / Vice chair of Task Force Toekomst Kerkgebouwen / member of ICOMOS
Dr Klas Grinell
Associate professor/Curator
Gunilla Gunner
Södertörn University Stockholm
Dr. Pablo Garcia
University of St Andrews
Cari Goetcheus
Associate Professor, The University of Georgia
Jordan Gamble
Edinburgh Napier University
Gisèle Gantois
Architect MSc in Conservation, Lecturer, PhD Candidate, Department of Architecture
Laurence Gillot
Université Paris Diderot
Dr. Torgrim Sneve Guttormsen
Senior Researcher, Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research
Zeynep Gunay
Assoc. Prof. Dr. / Urban planning, Istanbul Technical University
Léa Génis
PHD Candidate/Doctorante, AE&CC CRAterre ENSAG
Mehdi Ghafouri
Professor of Humanities-Heritage Architect, Vanier College
Angela Garvey
Heritage Planning, ERA Architects


John Leroux
Curator - Beaverbrook Art Gallery, University of New Brunswick
Prof. Walter E. Little
Professor, University at Albany, SUNY, Institute for Mesoamerican Studies, United States
Dr Sophia Labadi
Director, University of Kent
Dr Katherine Lloyd
Research Associate , Heriot-Watt University
Dr Nathalie Lancret
Directrice de recherche , Centre national de la recherche scientifique, UMR AUSser Architecture, Urbanistique, Société, France
Dr Eva Löfgren
Senior lecturer, Department of Conservation, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Ms Vivian Legname Barbour
Master's Candidate, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
Prof. Tuuli Lähdesmäki
Adjunct Professor / Docent , University of Jyväskylä
Laurier Lacroix
professeur émérite, UQAM
Professor Gyooho Lee
Professor of Law, Chung-Ang University School of Law (Seoul, South Korea)
Dr Katiana Le Mentec
Researcher, CNRS (France)
Dr. April Liu
UBC Museum of Anthropology
Mr Henrik Lindblad
Cultural Heritage Strategist, Church of Sweden
Josée Laplace
Université McGill / CRC en patrimoine urbain
Mi Li
Kanazawa University
Prof. Huimei Liu
Zhejiang University, Institute of Cross-cultural and Regional Studies; Asian Pacific Centre for the Education and Study of Leisure
Dr Nanna Løkka
Research manager/ researcher, University College of Southeast Norway
Sara-Jeanne Lemieux
Étudiante à la maîtrise en études régionales, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
Professor Mattias Legnér
Professor, Uppsala University
Marc-André Lapointe
Chaire de recherche du Canada en patrimoine urbain
Ms. Erin Linn
Director, Integrated Heritage Project


Prof. Dominique Poulot
Professeur, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France
Dr Cristiana Panella
Senior Researcher, Musée royal de l'Afrique centrale
Marie-Christine Parent
PhD Candidate, Université de Montréal, Canada / Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France
Dr Sharon Peoples
Lecturer Museums Studies , The Australian National University
Tessa Pijnaker
University of Amsterdan
Anneli Palmsköld
Department of Conservation, University of Gothenburg
Antigoni Patsalou
De Montfort University
Julie Pasquer-Jeanne
PhD Student, Équipe Culture et Communication Centre Norbert Elias (Université d'Avignon)
Laura Puolamäki
Project manager, Rauma Town
Lucile Pierron
Doctorante en Architecture (ENSA-Versailles), chercheur associé au LHAC (ENSA-Nancy)
Marie-Laure Poulot
Université Cergy-Pontoise
Édith Prégent
Doctorante en histoire de l'art et chargée de projets, Université du Québec à Montréal, Chaire de recherche du Canada en patrimoine urbain, Musée régional de Vaudreuil-Soulanges
Anne Pyburn
Professor, Indiana University
Dr Mylène Pardoen
Institut des Sciences de l'Homme de Lyon
Dr Banu Pekol
Asst. Professor, Ozyegin University, Faculty of Architecture and Design
Dr Celmara Pocock
Senior Lecturer, Anthropology, University of Southern Queensland
Dr Lionel Prigent
Maître de conférences, Institut de Géoarchitecture
Mario Parent
M.Sc. études urbaines


Prof. Michel Rautenberg
Professeur, université jean monnet
Bethany Rex
PhD Candidate, Newcastle University, United Kingdom
Dr Jen Ross
Senior Lecturer, Digital Education, University of Edinburgh
Valérie Rochaix
PhD Candidate, Université de Nantes - CoDiRe (EA 4643)
Jennifer C. Robinson
PhD Candidate, Visual Anthropology and Materiality , University of Victoria
Lisa Rogers
Deakin University
Mauricio Ruiz
Doctorant, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM)
Ólafur Rastrick
Assistant professor, University of Iceland
Sarah Rojon
Doctorante, Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne, Centre Max Weber
Prof. Susan Ross
Associate professor, Carleton University
Thomas Renard
université de Nantes
Dr. Diego Rotman
Da'at Hamakom Research Center, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Sarah Harvey Richardson
PhD Candidate, University of Leeds
Odile Roy
directrice de l'architecture et du patrimoine, Ville de Québec
Anna Rastas
University of Tampere
Susan Rowley
Museum of Anthropology at UBC


Dr Astrid Swenson
Senior Lecturer, Brunel University London
Nathan Schlanger
Ecole nationale des chartes
Liisa Seppänen
Adjunct professor , University of Turku
Dr Russell Staiff
Western Sydney University
Dr. Clare Sammells
Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Bucknell University
Dr. Grete Swensen
Senior researcher, NIKU
Dr Ioana Szeman
University of Roehampton
Marie-Dina Salvione
PhD Architecture et sciences de la ville, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), École de design, UQAM
Ellen Schrumpf
University College of Southeast-Norway
Diyana Sulaiman
PhD Candidate, Deakin University
Yves Schoonjans
Department of Architecture, KU Leuven, Belgium
David Stanek
PhD Student, University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Cynthia Scott
Independent Historian and Heritage Scholar
Cheurcheur CNPq, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - BRAZIL


Dr Zoe Cormack
Research Associate, The Open University, Department of History, United Kingdom
Nathalie Cerezales
PhD Candidate, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Dr Robyn Clinch
Heritage planner, University of Melbourne
Dr Romeo Carabelli
Université de Tours
Laia Colomer
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow, Linnaeus University (Sweden)
Cynthia Cooper
McCord Museum
Rachael Coghlan
PhD Candidate, Australian National University
Laurence Côté-Roy
MA Student, Geography, McGill University
Miss Cristina Clopot
PhD Student, Heriot Watt University
Dr Amy Clarke
Lecturer in History, University of the Sunshine Coast
Mr Andrew Clark
Scottish Oral History Centre
Dr Jasper Chalcraft
Research Fellow (CulturalBase), University of Sussex
Caitlin Curtis
PhD Candidate, University at Buffalo
Clare Canning
The University of Leicester and Historic England
Steven Cooke
Deakin University
Trina Cooper-Bolam
Carleton University
Marianne Charland
Chaire de recherche du Canada en patrimoine urbain
CMW, Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Étienne


Dr Valentina Vapnarsky
Researcher, CNRS, FABRIQ’AM project, France
Dr Astrid von Rosen
Senior Lecturer in Art History and Visual Studies, University of Gothenburg
Dr Kathleen Van Vlack
Living Heritage Anthropology
Prof. Thomas Visser
Professor, University of Vermont - Historic Preservation Program
Dr. Eugenio Van Maanen
Education | Research | Consultancy, NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands
Dr Céline Verguet
Université Nice Sophia Antipolis
Dr Elizabeth Vlossak
Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director, Brock University
Lea Vene
curator, researcher, Gray Area
Daniele Villa
Assistant Professor, Politecnico di Milano


Doctor Chong Zhang
lecturer, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology
Hielkje Zijlstra
Associate Professor, Delft University of Technology
Dr Stamatis Zografos
UCL , The Bartlett School of Architecture
Thomas Zanetti
Maître de Conférences, Université Lyon 3


Dr Susannah Eckersley
Lecturer, Media, Culture, Heritage, Newcastle University, UK
Dr Adèle Esposito
Chargée de recherche, Centre national de la recherche scientifique, UMR AUSser Architecture, Urbanistique, Société, France
Joanne Evans
Monash University
Ms Iezora Edwards
The University of the West Indies


Prof. Tracy Ireland
Associate Professor
Dr. Elgidius Ichumbaki
Lecturer, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Manon Istasse
Postdoctoral Researcher, Université de Picardie Jules Verne
Prof. Nobuko Inaba
Chair, University of Tsukuba


Dr Bryony Onciul
Lecturer, Univerisity of Exeter
Annie Ouellet
Doctorante en géographie, Université d'Angers - UMR CNRS 6590 ESO
Dr Gabriella Olshammar
Researcher, University of Gothenburg


Dr Tod Jones
Senior Lecturer, Curtin University, Australia
Prof Sian Jones
Professor of Environmental History and Heritage, University of Stirling
Dr Stuart Jeffrey
Glasgow School of Art
Dr Carolina Jonsson Malm
Post doc, Linnaeus University


Dr Satu Kähkönen
Postdoctoral fellow, University of Jyväskylä
Anne Laura Kraak
PhD Candidate, Deakin University
Prof. Elizabeth Kryder-Reid
Professor, Indiana University (IUPUI)
Miléna Kartowski-Aïach
PhD Candidate, Aix Marseille University - Idemec
dr Riemer Knoop
reinwardt academie / gordion cultureel advies
Dr Vicky Karaiskou
Open University of Cyprus
Prof. Dorit Kluge
Professor in Business Studies (Marketing and Tourism) and Art Historian, HWTK Berlin
PhD Eeva Karhunen
post doc researcher (Cultural Heritage), University of Turku, Finland
Nan Kim
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Sahar Khoshnood
PhD Candidate at Graduate School of Urban Studies (URBANgrad), TU Darmstadt
Bilge Kose
PhD Candidate, Middle East Technical University


Dr Andrea Terry
Contract Instructor , Lakehead University
Julia Tétényi
MA Graduate, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Dr. Alessandro Testa
Lise Meitner Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Vienna
Dr Benjamin Taunay
Maître de conférences / Associate Professor,
Miss Rachel Emily Taylor
AHRC-funded Ph.D. Researcher, Sheffield Hallam University
Mr Sadiq Toffa
University of Cape Town
lisa taylor
Bishops University
Prof. Barbara Törnquist-Plewa
Lund University, Sweden
Laurier Turgeon
Titulaire de la Chaire de recherche du Canada en patrimoine ethnologique, Université Laval


Solmaz Yadollahi
Coordinator-PhD candidate, IGS Heritage Studies,BTU-Cottbus
Yuanyuan Yao
Ph.D. Candidate, Institute of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Zhejiang University, China
Yaryna Yuryk
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Jianping (Elaine) Yang
Institute of Cross-cultural and Regional Studies, Zhejiang University
Stephanie E. Yuhl
Professor of History, College of the Holy Cross
Azize Elif Yabaci
PhD Candidate, Middle East Technical University


Sandra Uskoković
University of Dubrovnik
Evren Uzer
Parsons School of Design & University of Gothenburg HDK

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