Sessions in which Irena Sochová participates
Wednesday 29 June, 2022
Western Ukraine are largely forested, especially Transcarpatia with more than 50% of the land covered by forests. Despite this fact, Transcarpathian Ukraine belongs to the last European regions without a long and well replicated oak TRW chronology. The first step in compiling a new tree-ring width (TRW) chronology is to start with living trees; therefore, a new recent oak TRW chronology was assembled.In this study, totally 336 oak samples from 16 oak forest stands and 1 sawmill from th...
Sessions in which Irena Sochová attends
Monday 27 June, 2022
Meet colleagues and friends in an informal settingFree drinks for all!
Tuesday 28 June, 2022
Although numerous proxy-based climate reconstructions have been developed and despite the prevalence of relatively long instrumental records throughout Europe, reliable information about past climate is still lacking in some regions, particularly eastern parts of the continent. This issue is linked to limitations in data quality and large uncertainties in existing records. The REPLICATE project aims to fill this spatial paleoclimatic and data quality gap by applying a tree-ring multi-param...
Wednesday 29 June, 2022
In Northwestern Alaska, well-preserved architectural timbers from coastal Neo-Inuit archaeological sites can be used to document the climatic variations and cultural transformations of the beginning of the 2nd millennium AD. In this treeless tundra environment, the main wood resource is driftwood from interior Alaskan forests, carried to the coast by major rivers and ocean currents. Conventional dendrochronology allowed cross-dating 68 architectural timbers out of 282 archaeolo...
Dendroclimatological reconstructions are often extended into the past with wood from historical buildings. However, the varying, though frequently unknown origin of timbers not only affects the growth rate but also the climate response of individual tree-ring samples. We tested nine supervised machine learning algorithms for the geographical provenancing of 99 historical tree-ring samples. We sampled 143 living larch (Larix decidua Mill) trees at seven sites along an elevational gradient f...
This is a mandatory (!) .... and FREE (!!) cocktail & award ceremony (!!!)(in replacement of the Banquet formula)->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->After a great summer day of scientific and urban discoveries in our beloved MTL, we wish to bring together all the AmeriDendro community in one place and congratulate the TRS awardees for their remarkable achievements! -Bonsinsegna award-Fr...
Thursday 30 June, 2022
Climate change across the western US has increased air temperature, resulting in decreased snow and lengthening of the summer drought. Recent studies have also highlighted the positive feedback loops between soil moisture and vapor pressure deficit (VPD), which can exacerbates aridity in water limited ecosystems. These interactions can make it difficult to untangle the influences of soil moisture and VPD on tree growth, and yet our ability to untangle these parameters is important for buil...
Treeline ecotones at high latitudes and high elevations are generally temperature-limited environments. However, there is evidence that temperature control on tree growth has recently decreased at treelines due to climate change, while water availability is increasingly reported as a seasonally important growth-limiting factor. Analyzing climate-growth responses at intra-annual (wood cell) level can help unravel these complex patterns, but long time series of wood formation data are often ...
Intra-annual density fluctuation (IADF) is a structural modification of the tree ring in response to fluctuations in the weather. To reveal the timings and physiological mechanisms behind IADF formation, we monitored cambial activity and wood formation in Chinese pine (Pinus tabuliformis) during 2017-2019 at three sites in semi-arid China. We compared the dynamics of xylem formation under a drought event, testing the hypothesis that drought affects the process of cell enlargement and thus ...
(by bus, max 92 people)Designed for visitors and newcomers, the tour is based on the pleasure...