Sessions in which Valentina Buttò participates
Thursday 30 June, 2022
In mixed forests, diffuse-porous and ring-porous species represent two distinct functional groups undergoing similar environmental variations, but allegedly displaying different growth responses due to their anatomical features. We hypothesized that in sympatric species, functional groups-specific carbon allocation strategies result in different relationships between wood traits and canopy architecture, mirroring contrasting sensitivity to drought.We selected 2 diffuse-porous species (...
Sessions in which Valentina Buttò attends
Wednesday 29 June, 2022
Current and projected changes in climate are estimated to be from 10 to 100 times faster than the natural adaptive capacity of trees whose generation times are long. As extreme climatic events are becoming more frequent and exert a strong selection pressure on tree populations, there is an urgent need to better characterize the genetic variability involved in the response of trees to climate. There is currently a lack of knowledge on the role of genetic variability in tolerance to climatic...