Oloruntobi Gideon Olugbadieye
Sessions in which Oloruntobi Gideon Olugbadieye participates
Tuesday 28 June, 2022
Global warming in boreal forests is more pronounced than elsewhere, as temperature is increasing twice as fast as the rest of the planet. Low water availability in some boreal forest stands is one of the numerous consequences of increasing temperature. Sites with coarse surficial deposits where water drains fast are more vulnerable to water stress, such as sites on esker fluvioglacial deposits. The eskers of the Abitibi region of Quebec (Canada) are valuable ecosystem for wood provision an...
Wednesday 29 June, 2022
Session reescheduled from June 28th to June 29th
Global warming in boreal forests is more pronounced than elsewhere, as temperature is increasing twice as fast as the rest of the planet. Low water availability in some boreal forest stands is one of the numerous consequences of increasing temperature. Sites with coarse surficial deposits where water drains fast are more vulnerable to water stress, such as sites on esker fluvioglacial deposits. The eskers of the Abitibi region of Quebec (Canada) are valuable ecosystem for wood provision an...
Sessions in which Oloruntobi Gideon Olugbadieye attends
Thursday 30 June, 2022
(by bus, max 92 people)Designed for visitors and newcomers, the tour is based on the pleasure...