Sessions in which Kira Hoffman participates
Tuesday 28 June, 2022
There is a growing need for improved methods and approaches for managing wildfires in British Columbia, as uncharacteristically large wildfires exceed government capacities for control and suppression. The 2018 Tweedsmuir complex fire exceeded half a million hectares, negatively impacting several endangered species and the ecosystems they depend on. Tweedsmuir Provincial Park is one of BC’s largest protected areas and plays a critical role in connecting diverse landscapes and allowing plan...
Wednesday 29 June, 2022
Session reescheduled from June 28th to June 29th
There is a growing need for improved methods and approaches for managing wildfires in British Columbia, as uncharacteristically large wildfires exceed government capacities for control and suppression. The 2018 Tweedsmuir complex fire exceeded half a million hectares, negatively impacting several endangered species and the ecosystems they depend on. Tweedsmuir Provincial Park is one of BC’s largest protected areas and plays a critical role in connecting diverse landscapes and allowing plan...
Sessions in which Kira Hoffman attends
Tuesday 28 June, 2022
"Emerging in the early 20th century, the scientific study of tree-rings has a rich but under-cultivated history. This project reviews the historiography (or the history of historical writing) of dendrochronology. From the pioneering work of A.E. Douglass and others to the establishment of institutions dedicated to advancing dendrochronology by the 1950s, the field has secured its place as an ensemble of techniques to interpret tree rings, with applications in archeology, climatology, ecolo...
Models of tree growth responses to climate variability provide insight about the potential effects of global warming on forests. Using a unique dataset containing tree ringwidth measurements from all trees (>4 cm in diameter at breast height) in 1ha plots, we modelled time series of annual basal area increment (BAI) in subalpine forests of western Canada, which are expected to be highly sensitive to the effects of global warming. Our objective was to determine how BAI responses to inter...
Tree-ring research has given generations of scientists a long memory of what is acceptable for a tree to be included for data analysis. The established criteria, however, were set through purposeful goals to maximize the response for climatic reconstructions. Ecology is different. Tree-rings are increasingly being used to study a wide swath of ecology, including the carbon cycle or the response of ecosystems to global changes. A fundamental aspect of ecology is to understand the range of r...
Wednesday 29 June, 2022
Presentation of all Ameridendro2022 posters.FREE LUNCH FOR ALL ATTENDEES!
This is a mandatory (!) .... and FREE (!!) cocktail & award ceremony (!!!)(in replacement of the Banquet formula)->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->After a great summer day of scientific and urban discoveries in our beloved MTL, we wish to bring together all the AmeriDendro community in one place and congratulate the TRS awardees for their remarkable achievements! -Bonsinsegna award-Fr...
Thursday 30 June, 2022
A gap of millennial tree-ring data suitable for dendroclimatology has long been evident in the North American boreal forest. In my talk, I will describe the adaptive approach we have developed to build and improve a data network for millennial dendroclimatology in the eastern Canadian taiga. Recurrence of stand replacing wildfires is the most important constrain to the elaboration of long tree ring chronologies, which can only be developed away from regions ...
Allies have emerged as key enablers of diversity and inclusivity initiatives in the workplace, in professional associations, and in everyday life. But what is an ally? What skills are required to be an effective ally? How do we hold ourselves and our community members accountable for being effective allies? This symposium will provide a deeper understanding of what it means to be an ally and the skills to help advance allyship as individuals and as a community. Fur...