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Rossella Guerrieri

Assistant professor
University of Bologna
Participates in 2 items

Sessions in which Rossella Guerrieri participates

Thursday 30 June, 2022

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
14:05 - 15:50 | 1 hour 45 minutes

The interpretation of stable isotopes in a dendroecological framework can provide powerful insights into how trees adjust physiologically in response to the environment. This symposium aims to bring together researchers who use stable isotopes in tree rings to address ecophysiological responses to environmental changes from intra-annual to multi-decadal resolution. We hope this symposium will enable fruitful discussions and new ideas a...

14:50 - 15:05 | 15 minutes
Symposium 3

The ability of forests to continue absorbing atmospheric CO2, and hence mitigating climate change, depends on the extent to which their productivity is limited by nutrients, with nitrogen (N) being particularly important in temperate and boreal regions. Fertilisation experiments offer an opportunity to directly determine whether atmospheric N input can contribute to alleviating N limitation. However, the majority of the experiments have normally considered soil N applications, which do not...

Sessions in which Rossella Guerrieri attends

Tuesday 28 June, 2022

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
9:35 - 9:50 | 15 minutes

During the 21st century, the boreal biome has warmed at rates 3-4 times the global average, impacting forests directly through changes in temperature and precipitation and indirectly through acceleration of disturbances including permafrost thaw and wildfire. Despite this, little is known about the ability of boreal trees to adapt in the face of such rapid environmental changes. Warming-induced growth rate increases are predicted for the boreal biome, but these would be largely dependent o...

10:05 - 10:20 | 15 minutes

Forest disturbances and tree growth are major drivers of dynamics and long-term carbon storage in forests. Combining forest inventory data and tree-ring analysis allows for a retrospective estimate of aboveground forest biomass (AGB) and disturbance dynamics at decadal to centennial scales, both being directly related to net primary productivity (NPP). We used this combined approach to estimate precisely-dated ages of aboveground carbon in over 20 temperate old-growth forests in Western Eu...

11:00 - 11:15 | 15 minutes

The past and future of forests are unequivocally controlled and determined by global climate. Constraining the uncertainties within this multifaceted relationship has been the focus of vast research efforts. A spatial perspective, however, is often neglected. Using the geographical constraints (e.g. latitude, altitude) and climatic drivers of tree dynamics as a benchmark, we address the spatial patterns and changes of forest growth at a continental scale and quantify the forest growth resp...

11:15 - 11:30 | 15 minutes

Ultra high resolution imaging is becoming standard across the sciences and must be a priority for dendrochronology. Large format scanners fail to resolve micro rings and the anatomical structures of increasing scientific interest. Meanwhile, current software limitations include cost, user experience, data management flexibility, and capacity for handling large file sizes. We argue for a new paradigm and present a technology framework that integrates gigapixel macro photography, a cloud-hos...

11:30 - 11:45 | 15 minutes

Tree-ring research has given generations of scientists a long memory of what is acceptable for a tree to be included for data analysis. The established criteria, however, were set through purposeful goals to maximize the response for climatic reconstructions. Ecology is different. Tree-rings are increasingly being used to study a wide swath of ecology, including the carbon cycle or the response of ecosystems to global changes. A fundamental aspect of ecology is to understand the range of r...

11:45 - 12:00 | 15 minutes

Dendroclimatic reconstructions play a key role in contextualizing recent climate change by improving our understanding of past climate variability. The climatically-sensitive blue intensity (BI) parameter is gaining prominence as a more accessible alternative to X-ray densitometry. Yet accurately representing low-frequency trends and high-frequency extremes using scanner-based BI remains a challenge due to color biases and resolution limitations. As part of the REPLICATE project, methodolo...

12:00 - 12:15 | 15 minutes

Climate extremes are driven by a combination of thermodynamical and dynamical factors. In Europe, the primary dynamical driver of summer climate extremes is the position of the jet stream over the Europe-North Atlantic (EU) region. To study long-term variability in the position of the EU jet, as well as its potential impact on past climate extremes and human systems, we have reconstructed EU jet variability over the past 800+ years (1200-2005 CE). To accomplish this, we have combined five ...

12:00 - 12:15 | 15 minutes

In this work we show the application of dendrochronology as an educational resource for schoolchildren and as a mean to disseminate science to society. Tree rings are popularly known in Chile due to the massive use of wood for construction, handicrafts and firewood. The visible tree rings generate a distinct, tangible and familiar curiosity in many people. “Tree-Rings as a Natural Encyclopedia of Environmental Archives” is an exhibition built as an educational project for schoolchildren, w...

14:00 - 14:15 | 15 minutes

Intra-annual tree-ring δ13C record has the potential to provide deep insights into past plant performance and environmental conditions. With concomitant high temporal resolution δ13C analysis of non-structural carbohydrates, the processes behind observed low- and high-frequency δ13C changes in tree-ring record could be interpreted more reliably. This is essential for predicting forest response to impacts of climate change, such as more frequent and severe drought episodes.To better ...

14:00 - 14:15 | 15 minutes
Symposium 5

Urban trees provide important environmental services and are indispensable for the regulation of a city's climate, whilst growing in stressful conditions with low water and space availability. However, compared to their forest counterparts, little is known about urban trees' capability to cope with climate change. Due to the heat island effect, Montreal has already experienced 1.4°C higher temperatures, creating increasingly challenging conditions for urban trees. Planting resilient trees ...

14:15 - 14:30 | 15 minutes

Improving our understanding of the carbon cycle is key to addressing the challenges of climate change. In this study, we investigated the relationships between intra and inter-annual climate variations, carbon fluxes, and the xylem biomass in an 80-year plantation of Pinus strobus at Turkey Point, Ontario, Canada. From eddy covariance tower, we obtained daily Gross Primary Production (GPP), precipitation and air temperature for the period 2003-2018. To determine inter-and intra-annual xyle...

14:30 - 14:45 | 15 minutes

Leaf water isotopic enrichment (ΔD[LW]) is the original source of climatic information stored in tree-ring δ¹⁸O and δD. Tree-ring δ¹⁸O temporal variability has been correlated to environmental variables such as temperature, precipitation, relative humidity (RH), and phenomena such as tropical cyclones and drought. Meanwhile, more development is needed to use tree-ring δD temporal variability as a paleoclimatic bioindicator. An increased understanding of the climatic signal of ΔD[LW] could ...

14:45 - 15:00 | 15 minutes
Symposium 5

Dendrochronology can provide a glimpse into past periods that lack long-term ecological and environmental data. With the growing concern of climate change and the need to reach net-zero carbon, contributions of nuclear energy sources to meet net-zero goals continue to be discussed. Ontario obtains a large amount of energy from Canadian Deuterium (CANDU) reactors at the Bruce, Pickering and Darlington nuclear facilities. Conveniently, tree-rings can be used to measure radiocarbon (14C) emis...

14:45 - 15:00 | 15 minutes

Annually resolved subfossil kauri (Agathis australis) trees, recovered from bogs in northern New Zealand, provide unique insights into past climate events over multi-millennial timescales. Their tree-rings faithfully capture annually resolved information about climate and carbon dynamics occurring during their lifespan. Preserved material has contributed tree-ring chronologies spanning much of the Holocene and extending into the late Pleistocene (i.e. the last 50,000 years). A recently dis...

15:15 - 15:30 | 15 minutes

The Pliocene is often identified as an example of a past warmer world. Studies of sub-fossil wood from fossil forest localities in the Canadian Arctic have allowed us to explore the amplified effects of global climate change in the Arctic during the Pliocene and to provide important information on how arctic ecosystems respond to these changes. Here we report new annually resolved climate records developed from Meighen and Prince Patrick Islands, which span a time period from 6.2 Ma to 2.7...

15:45 - 16:00 | 15 minutes

Global warming in boreal forests is more pronounced than elsewhere, as temperature is increasing twice as fast as the rest of the planet. Low water availability in some boreal forest stands is one of the numerous consequences of increasing temperature. Sites with coarse surficial deposits where water drains fast are more vulnerable to water stress, such as sites on esker fluvioglacial deposits. The eskers of the Abitibi region of Quebec (Canada) are valuable ecosystem for wood provision an...

16:15 - 16:30 | 15 minutes

The ongoing North American megadrought has persisted since the year 2000, and has been characterized by anomalously low amounts of winter and summer precipitation. The climate systems providing these seasonal precipitation regimes are distinct in their origins but overlapping in their geographic ranges. However, our understanding is still incomplete in how alternation in water resources influences forest growth and physiology during extreme and persistent drought, including whether replete...

16:45 - 17:00 | 15 minutes

Insect and pathogen outbreaks, fires, hurricanes, severe drought and other disturbances alter the structure, composition and function of forests. Results from silvicultural experiments suggest disturbances in lower density forests lead to better mitigation of drought stress for surviving trees than those in higher density stands. As drought and insect and pathogen outbreaks are expected to become more severe and frequent, understanding how surviving trees’ climatic response is affected by ...

Wednesday 29 June, 2022

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
9:35 - 9:50 | 15 minutes
Symposium 2

In the 1970s, forest geneticists with the British Columbia Forest Service established a number of long-term provenance trials throughout the province. The Trinity Valley (TV) provenance trial was established in 1975 in the southern interior to evaluate interior Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca) across the species’ range. TV is a factorial experiment, where 64 populations of 4 year-old Douglas-fir seedlings were planted in a randomized complete-block design with three replicat...

10:05 - 10:20 | 15 minutes
Symposium 2

Rapidly warming climate affects water availability for boreal conifer species, thus urging the need for assessing their adaptive capacity to better predict forest vulnerability and resilience under drier climates. In this study, we first used a dendroecological approach to determine the level of climate sensitivity of white spruce (Picea glauca [Moench] Voss) trees grown in a provenance-family common garden. We detected a clear signal of local genetic adaptation to drought, with provenance...

11:45 - 12:00 | 15 minutes

"Drought legacy effects (DLE) in radial tree growth (RTG) have been extensively studied over the last decade and are found to critically influence carbon sequestration in woody biomass. However, the statistical significance of DLE depends on our definition of expected vs. unexpected growth variability, a definition that has not received sufficient scrutiny.Here, we revisit popular DLE analyses using the ITRDB and employ a synthetic data simulation to disentangle four key factors influe...

Thursday 30 June, 2022

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
17:40 - 19:30 | 1 hour 50 minutes
Outdoor activity

(by bus, max 92 people)Designed for visitors and newcomers, the tour is based on the pleasure...