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General Session (New perspectives and developments)

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11:00, Tuesday 28 Jun 2022 (1 hour 15 minutes)
Lunch Break   12:15 PM to 01:30 PM (1 hour 15 minutes)
Coeur des Sciences, Sherbrooke Building, UQAM - Salle polyvalente (SH-4800)   Virtual session
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New perspectives and methodsMethodological Developments

Sub Sessions

11:00 - 11:15 | 15 minutes

"Emerging in the early 20th century, the scientific study of tree-rings has a rich but under-cultivated history. This project reviews the historiography (or the history of historical writing) of dendrochronology. From the pioneering work of A.E. Douglass and others to the establishment of institutions dedicated to advancing dendrochronology by the 1950s, the field has secured its place as an ensemble of techniques to interpret tree rings, with applications in archeology, climatology, ecolo...

11:15 - 11:30 | 15 minutes

Ultra high resolution imaging is becoming standard across the sciences and must be a priority for dendrochronology. Large format scanners fail to resolve micro rings and the anatomical structures of increasing scientific interest. Meanwhile, current software limitations include cost, user experience, data management flexibility, and capacity for handling large file sizes. We argue for a new paradigm and present a technology framework that integrates gigapixel macro photography, a cloud-hos...

11:30 - 11:45 | 15 minutes

Tree-ring research has given generations of scientists a long memory of what is acceptable for a tree to be included for data analysis. The established criteria, however, were set through purposeful goals to maximize the response for climatic reconstructions. Ecology is different. Tree-rings are increasingly being used to study a wide swath of ecology, including the carbon cycle or the response of ecosystems to global changes. A fundamental aspect of ecology is to understand the range of r...

11:45 - 12:00 | 15 minutes

Dendroclimatic reconstructions play a key role in contextualizing recent climate change by improving our understanding of past climate variability. The climatically-sensitive blue intensity (BI) parameter is gaining prominence as a more accessible alternative to X-ray densitometry. Yet accurately representing low-frequency trends and high-frequency extremes using scanner-based BI remains a challenge due to color biases and resolution limitations. As part of the REPLICATE project, methodolo...

12:00 - 12:15 | 15 minutes

In this work we show the application of dendrochronology as an educational resource for schoolchildren and as a mean to disseminate science to society. Tree rings are popularly known in Chile due to the massive use of wood for construction, handicrafts and firewood. The visible tree rings generate a distinct, tangible and familiar curiosity in many people. “Tree-Rings as a Natural Encyclopedia of Environmental Archives” is an exhibition built as an educational project for schoolchildren, w...

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