Èlia Casals Alsina
PhD student with a background as a cultural manager focused on performative arts; currently researching on culture-led policies developed in former industrial clusters in European urban contexts and their role in overcoming the challenges arising from deindustrialization processes.
She graduated in Musical Performance at ESMuC (Barcelona) and obtained a degree in Humanities and a master's degree in Cultural Management at the UOC, in all three cases with honours in the final thesis. In 2020 she was awarded a Santander-UdL pre-doctoral scholarship and began her PhD studies at the UdL (University of Lleida) as part of the "Territory, heritage and culture" programme under the direction of Dr Paül i Agustí. Since then, she teaches the subject "Cultural and city tourism" at this university.
She has done study stays and internships in Germany and Italy and has professional experience in the fields of music performance, teaching and cultural management.