Sessions in which Priyadarshini Parsons O'Brien participates
Tuesday 28 June, 2022
Annually resolved subfossil kauri (Agathis australis) trees, recovered from bogs in northern New Zealand, provide unique insights into past climate events over multi-millennial timescales. Their tree-rings faithfully capture annually resolved information about climate and carbon dynamics occurring during their lifespan. Preserved material has contributed tree-ring chronologies spanning much of the Holocene and extending into the late Pleistocene (i.e. the last 50,000 years). A recently dis...
Wednesday 29 June, 2022
Annually resolved subfossil kauri (Agathis australis) trees, recovered from bogs in northern New Zealand, provide unique insights into past climate events over multi-millennial timescales. Their tree-rings faithfully capture annually resolved information about climate and carbon dynamics occurring during their lifespan. Preserved material has contributed tree-ring chronologies spanning much of the Holocene and extending into the late Pleistocene (i.e. the last 50,000 years). A recently dis...
Sessions in which Priyadarshini Parsons O'Brien attends
Tuesday 28 June, 2022
The Pliocene is often identified as an example of a past warmer world. Studies of sub-fossil wood from fossil forest localities in the Canadian Arctic have allowed us to explore the amplified effects of global climate change in the Arctic during the Pliocene and to provide important information on how arctic ecosystems respond to these changes. Here we report new annually resolved climate records developed from Meighen and Prince Patrick Islands, which span a time period from 6.2 Ma to 2.7...
"Little is known about the impact of volcanoes on trees from the Southern Hemisphere. In this study, we investigated whether volcanic signals could be identified in ring widths from eight dendrochronological species from New Zealand, using superposed epoch analysis. We found that most species are good recorders of volcanic dimming and that the magnitude and persistence of the post-event response can be broadly linked to plant life history traits - whether the species responds as a 'stress ...
Dendroprovenance is a discipline usually linked to dendroacheology or wood commercialization; however, other purposes as inferring the origin of wood in rivers (i.e., instream large wood, LW) are often overlooked. LW in fluvial ecosystems enhances its geomorphology and biodiversity, but also increases potential risk during floods. Thus, knowledge about its source is crucial for understanding LW dynamics and optimizing river and riparian forest management. This project aims at deve...
Wednesday 29 June, 2022
Fluctuations in water resources is one of the main factors modulating ecosystem dynamics, human population changes and culture in semiarid regions. One of the largest high-altitude semiarid regions of South America is the Altiplano in the Central Andes. With an elevation of 4.000 m this region has been the environment for the settlement of many communities who have inhabited the region for thousands of years. Tree-ring research has been developed in this region allowing the reconstruction ...
The Pliocene is often identified as an example of a past warmer world. Studies of sub-fossil wood from fossil forest localities in the Canadian Arctic have allowed us to explore the amplified effects of global climate change in the Arctic during the Pliocene and to provide important information on how arctic ecosystems respond to these changes. Here we report new annually resolved climate records developed from Meighen and Prince Patrick Islands, which span a time period from 6.2 Ma to 2.7...
"Little is known about the impact of volcanoes on trees from the Southern Hemisphere. In this study, we investigated whether volcanic signals could be identified in ring widths from eight dendrochronological species from New Zealand, using superposed epoch analysis. We found that most species are good recorders of volcanic dimming and that the magnitude and persistence of the post-event response can be broadly linked to plant life history traits - whether the species responds as a 'stress ...
Dendroprovenance is a discipline usually linked to dendroacheology or wood commercialization; however, other purposes as inferring the origin of wood in rivers (i.e., instream large wood, LW) are often overlooked. LW in fluvial ecosystems enhances its geomorphology and biodiversity, but also increases potential risk during floods. Thus, knowledge about its source is crucial for understanding LW dynamics and optimizing river and riparian forest management. This project aims at deve...
Thursday 30 June, 2022
"Maximum latewood density (MXD) is the most sensitive proxy for reconstructing temperature variations over past centuries to millennia. However, the development of long MXD chronologies has lagged far behind that of ring width chronologies, especially in North America. Among a handful of millennial MXD records across the northern hemisphere, only a few are from North American sites.In this study, we fill this data gap by developing a millennial MXD data network from an unprecedented...
(by bus, max 92 people)Designed for visitors and newcomers, the tour is based on the pleasure...