Rui Carvalho
Rui Carvalho is an architect specialising in the rehabilitation of architecture and urban centres. He began his career as a freelance architect and since 2004 he has been an architect in the Municipality of Mértola, in Portugal.
He is dedicated to the study of the urban and industrial mining heritage, viewing it not only as a historical legacy, but also as a spatial and narrative resource for tourism, cultural purposes, environmental and didactic reuses, and as it corresponds with the needs of contemporary society.
Rui prepared proposals for a plan to safeguard and value the historic mining urban core of the São Domingos Mine, in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (PT), and to delimit and classify the respective deactivated mining and archaeological area, later classified as a property of public interest as a mining heritage (2013).
He is currently developing a research project in a doctoral programme at the University of Seville, entitled “The Mining Cultural Landscape in the Chanza-Guadiana Border Territory (PT-ES)”.