Vendredi 3 Juin, 2016
Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Public Debate: Heritage and Tourism | Débat public: Patrimoine et tourisme
11:30 -
13:00 |
1 heure 30 minutes
What is Critical Heritage Studies: Open Forum
13:00 -
15:00 |
2 heures
Public Debate: Heritage and the City | Le Patrimoine et la Ville
14:30 -
16:00 |
1 heure 30 minutes
Opening Ceremony and Cocktail
17:00 -
19:30 |
2 heures 30 minutes
The Garden of the Grey Nuns / Le jardin des sœurs grises
19:30 -
21:00 |
1 heure 30 minutes
Samedi 4 Juin, 2016
Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
[S’] Inventer par le patrimoine : des usages d’une ressource pour ordonner les liens du passé, du présent et de l’avenir
11:00 -
12:30 |
1 heure 30 minutes
Current Research I
11:00 -
15:00 |
4 heures
Cultural Heritage and the Working Class
13:30 -
15:00 |
1 heure 30 minutes
Industrial Heritage: Towards Comparative Perspectives
13:30 -
17:00 |
3 heures 30 minutes
Alter-Heritagization / Alter-Metropolization ? Objects, Players and Forms of Alternative Heritage Production in Contemporary Metropolises
13:30 -
17:00 |
3 heures 30 minutes
History Museums, Heritage and Visitors
13:30 -
17:00 |
3 heures 30 minutes
Heritage vs Ecology
13:30 -
17:00 |
3 heures 30 minutes
Borders of Heritage | Frontières du Patrimoine : Roundtable | Table ronde
15:30 -
17:00 |
1 heure 30 minutes
Politics of Scale: A New Approach to Heritage Studies I
15:30 -
17:00 |
1 heure 30 minutes
Dimanche 5 Juin, 2016
Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
The Cultural Politics of New Built Heritage in Emerging Economies
9:00 -
12:30 |
3 heures 30 minutes
Fashioning Heritage
9:00 -
10:30 |
1 heure 30 minutes
Current Research II: Engaging and Uncovering Collective Memories
9:00 -
12:30 |
3 heures 30 minutes
Heritage and the Late Modern State II
9:00 -
12:30 |
3 heures 30 minutes
Heritage Futures / Utopian Currents II
9:00 -
12:30 |
3 heures 30 minutes
ACHS 2016 General Assembly
17:00 -
18:30 |
1 heure 30 minutes
Film Series: De engel van Doel
19:00 -
21:00 |
2 heures
Lundi 6 Juin, 2016
Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
An Intergenerational Conversation about Heritage Conservation Education: The Rise, Fall, and (Necessary) Redefinition of Expert Knowledge
9:00 -
12:30 |
3 heures 30 minutes
Charting New Directions: Heritage, Architecture and the Decorative Arts
9:00 -
12:30 |
3 heures 30 minutes
Labour, Mobility and Heritage
9:00 -
12:30 |
3 heures 30 minutes
Current Research III
9:00 -
12:30 |
3 heures 30 minutes
In-community session: Teaching/Learning/Living Post-Industrial Ecologies: Roundtable on Concordia’s ‘Right to the City’ Initiative
11:00 -
12:30 |
1 heure 30 minutes
Engaging Authenticity
13:30 -
15:00 |
1 heure 30 minutes
The Future of Heritage in Ontario
13:30 -
15:00 |
1 heure 30 minutes
Le patrimoine comme enjeu de la participation citoyenne à Montréal
13:30 -
15:00 |
1 heure 30 minutes
Le Canada doit-il signer la Convention pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel?
13:30 -
15:00 |
1 heure 30 minutes
Mardi 7 Juin, 2016
Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Connecting to the Critical Heritage Studies Movement in the Americas: Theoretical and Practical Considerations, Case Studies, and Dialogue
9:00 -
12:30 |
3 heures 30 minutes
Current Research IV
9:00 -
12:30 |
3 heures 30 minutes
(in)significance: Values and Valuing in Heritage
13:30 -
15:00 |
1 heure 30 minutes
Thinking Through the Museum: Difficult Knowledge in Public
13:30 -
15:00 |
1 heure 30 minutes
Critical Heritage Studies in the UK: Future Directions
15:30 -
17:00 |
1 heure 30 minutes
- Prof Elizabeth Crooke (Participant.e)
- Dr Anna Woodham (Participant.e)
- Prof. Rhiannon Mason (Participant.e)
- Prof. Máiréad Nic Craith (Participant.e)
- Prof. Ullrich Kockel (Potentiel.le)
- Dr Katherine Lloyd (Modérateur.rice)
- Dr Susannah Eckersley (Potentiel.le)
- Bethany Rex (Potentiel.le)
- Dr Nuala Morse (Potentiel.le)
- Prof. Melissa F. Baird (Potentiel.le)
- Dr Bryony Onciul (Modérateur.rice)
- Dr Areti Galani (Potentiel.le)
- Dr Bryony Onciul (Participant.e)
- Dr Sophia Labadi (Participant.e)
- Dr Helen Graham (Participant.e)
- Rodney Harrison (Participant.e)
Critical Heritage Studies and the Law: What Does it Change? (cancelled)
15:30 -
17:00 |
1 heure 30 minutes
The Neglected Landscape: How Do We Put Canadian Interiors on the Map?
15:30 -
17:00 |
1 heure 30 minutes
Museums and Historical Consciousness: Emergent Themes in Theory and Practice
15:30 -
17:00 |
1 heure 30 minutes
Mercredi 8 Juin, 2016
Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Jeudi 9 Juin, 2016
Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)